Does ScaleIt provide support for their customers?

Yes! All subscriptions include all remote technical support related to our software.

Are there any startup costs?

No! All subscriptions include full remote implementation and training at no cost.

Is there a monthly support fee?

No! All subscriptions include unlimited remote technical support.

Do you guy's come out to setup and train?

Our software is designed to be the most user friendly scale management software on the market.  We do all setup and training remotely.  With that said, if we are needed to do an on-site visit, we would be able to provide a quote for that service.

How long is the implementation process?

For a basic setup, we can have you setup and operational the same day!  For other setups, we will walk you through our full implementation process to make sure all imports are accurate, exports are coded for, and employees are trained. We will work at the speed needed by our customer to make sure you are live and operational on your schedule.

Where are we located?

Our offices and support team is located in Clearwater, FL.

How does the Scale and Computer communicate?

Scaleit W8 works with all digital scales.  We just ask that it is connected via Serial, USB or Networked and set to a continuous output.  If needed, we have a large network of Scale Dealers that can help you get connected!

What accounting software does Scaleit work with?

Scaleit W8 has a robust Invoicing and Payment collecting system.  If needed, we can also integrate with any major accounting software on the market that allows imports. (QuickBooks, QuickBooks Online, Sage, Microsoft Dynamics, etc.)

What printers does Scaleit work with?

Scaleit W8 will work with all windows recognized printers. Our custom tickets can be designed to fit and print to any size paper required.

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